
15 Jul '24「徐福伝説」追って延岡へ 海洋冒険家2人が到着 市民と交流も
Two maritime adventurers arrive in Nobeoka following the "Legend of Xu Fu" and interact with local residents
Japan Digital
5 Jul '24徐福伝説を追って日本へ 冒険家2人が手漕ぎボートで宮崎県延岡市に到着
Chasing the legend of Xu Fu to Japan, two adventurers arrive in Nobeoka City, Miyazaki Prefecture by kayak
Duration 1:35
Yahoo Japan
5 Jul '24 徐福伝説を追って日本へ 冒険家2人が手漕ぎボートで宮崎県延岡市に到着
Chasing the legend of Xu Fu to Japan - two adventurers arrive in Nobeoka City, Miyazaki Prefecture by sea kayak
Duration 1:35
5 Jul '24不老不死の薬を求め日本に渡来した「徐福」伝説  シーカヤックで南九州の伝承地を巡った外国人冒険家が延岡市にゴール
The legend of "Xu Fu" who came to Japan in search of the elixir of life. Foreign adventurers who toured the legendary sites of southern Kyushu by sea kayak ended up in Nobeoka City.
Duration 1:30
News Dig
4 Jul '24海洋冒険家2人 - 徐福ゆかりの地を航海
Two Ocean Adventurers sail to places associated with Xu Fu
Nobeoka evening edition
25 Jun '24徐福伝説たどる旅
A journey following the legend of Xu Fu
South Japan News
20 Jun '24中丹探险家勇渡重洋 | 狂风恶浪逆潮当道,“新徐福东行”不言弃
Chinese and Danish Explorers Brave Crossing the Sea | Wind and Waves Against them. The "New Xu Fu Voyage East" perseveres .
Hurun Report
10 Jun '24强大风雨和逆流阻击 中-丹两位探险家果断选择暂停东渡
Strong winds, rain and counter-currents blocked the two explorers from China and Denmark decisively, necessitating suspension of their eastward journey.
China Daily
05 Jun '24Historic Chinese trip for ChristianWorcester News
4 Jun '24中一丹探险家划船“链接太平洋”启航仪式浙江舟山举行
The launching ceremony of the "Linking the Pacific Ocean" rowing trip of China-Denmark Explorers was held in Zhoushan, Zhejiang
Duration 2:50
Fujian TV
4 Jun '24中一丹探险家划船“链接太平洋”启航仪式浙江舟山举行
China-Denmark Explores launch in Zhoushan to link the Pacific by rowing boat
Duration 1:14
3 Jun '2423年前我们划船跨越大西洋,今天我们挑战太平洋
23 years ago we rowed across the Atlantic Ocean. Today we challenge the Pacific Ocean
Duration 50:00

Apple Podcast Link
Story FM
30 May '24中国-丹麦探险家划船“链接太平洋”启航仪式浙江舟山举行
The launching ceremony of the "Pacific Connection" rowing trip of Chinese and Danish explorers was held in Zhoushan, Zhejiang
Duration 1:09
30 May '24中丹探险家23年后再携手 划船“链接太平洋”启航仪式浙江舟山举行
After 23 years, Chinese and Danish explorers join hands at launch ceremony held in Zhoushan, Zhejiang, to row "Linking the Pacific"
ZMG News
29 May '24中丹探险家23年后再携手 开启划船“链接太平洋”之旅 北京时间
Chinese and Danish explorers join hands again after 23 years for rowing trip to "Connect the Pacific Ocean"
Duration 2:10
29 May '24延续海上丝绸之路,推动中丹合作
Extending the Maritime Silk Road and promoting China-Denmark cooperation
China Cultural Center in Copenhagen
28 May '24能否成功?中丹探险家23年后再携手 划船“链接太平洋”
Will they succeed? Chinese and Danish explorers join hands again after 23 years rowing to "link the Pacific"
27 May '24启航,划向太平洋
Launch, rowing towards the Pacific Ocean
China Cultural Center in Copenhagen
27 May '24中丹探险家再携手划行太平洋,浩荡开启全新蔚蓝征程
Chinese and Danish explorers join hands again to row the Pacific Ocean, embarking on a new blue voyage
Hurun Report
26 May '24中丹探险家23年后再携手 划船“链接太平洋”启航仪式浙江舟山举行
Chinese and Danish explorers join hands again after 23 years at Zhoushan, Zhejiang, launch ceremony for "Linking the Pacific" row
26 May '24中丹探险家23年后再携手 开启划船“链接太平洋”之旅 查看更多”
After 23 years Chinese and Danish explorers join hands again to start rowing trip to "Connect the Pacific"
Duration 1:07
26 May '24中丹探险家舟山挥桨启航 开拓中国远洋赛艇新航程
Chinese-Danish explorers embark from Zhoushan, testing the waters for a China originated ocean rowing race
Article and video. Duration 1:07
25 May '24中丹探险家23年后再携手 划船“链接太平洋”启航仪式浙江舟山举行
Chinese and Danish explorers join hands again after 23 years in Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province, for boat launch ceremony to "Link the Pacific".
news - xinhuanet
25 May '24【水上】中丹探险家东渡舟山启航,开拓中国远洋赛艇新航程
Chinese and Danish explorers sail eastward from Zhoushan to open up a new voyage for China's ocean rowing
25 May '24“中丹探险家23年后再携手 划船“链接太平洋”启航仪式浙江舟山举行
Chinese and Danish explorers join hands again after 23 years in Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province, for boat launch ceremony to "Link the Pacific"
China Daily
20 May '24“划船链接太平洋”新梦想启程,探索健康可持续海洋的多样性
A new dream of "rowing to connect the Pacific" begins, exploring the diversity of a healthy and sustainable ocean
Article and video. Duration 1:59
Hurun Report
16 May '24中丹两国探险家计划再携手 开启划船跨越太平洋之旅
Explorers from China and Denmark plan to join forces again to embark on a rowing journey across the Pacific Ocean
China Cultural Center in Copenhagen
10 May '24Did The Chinese Reach America Before Columbus? An Expedition Explores That Possibility
Article and video. Duration 5:15
Explorers Web
09 May '24Som ung roede Christian over Atlanten. Nu skal han ud i nyt hajfyldt farvandBerlingske
05 May '24“划船链接太平洋” 中丹两国探险家时隔23年再携手
"Rowing connects the Pacific Ocean"; Chinese and Danish explorers join hands again after 23 years"
05 May '24【水上】中丹探险家再度联手,划船“链接太平洋”
Chinese and Danish explorers join forces again to "connect the Pacific Ocean" by rowing
04 May '24中丹两国探险家计划再携手 开启划船链接太平洋之旅
Explorers from China and Denmark join forces to connect the Pacific Ocean by rowing
04 May '24中丹两国探险家计划再携手 开启划船链接太平洋之旅
Explorers from China and Denmark join forces to connect the Pacific Ocean by rowing
04 May '24中丹两国探险家计划再携手 开启划船链接太平洋之旅
Explorers from China and Denmark join forces to connect the Pacific Ocean by rowing
29 Apr '24Grøn skibsfart og livets eliksir
(Green shipping and the elixir of immortality)
27 Apr '24Dansker vil ro 800 kilometer fra Kina til Japan i jagten på eliksiren til evigt liv
Hurun Report
18 Apr '24人物专访 | 黄思远、孙海滨:跨越文化的飘洋过海,探索浩瀚深蓝的冒险旅程
Exclusive interview | Christian Havrehed and Sun Haibin: an adventure across cultures and across the ocean, exploring the vast deep blue
Article and video. Duration 3:04
Hurun Report
Apr '24In the Footsteps of Xu FuRoyal Hong Kong Yacht Clubs Ahoy Magazine
8 Mar '24如何穿越浩瀚?划船横渡大西洋亚洲第一人孙海滨做客新网银行直播间
How to travel through the vastness? Sun Haibin, Asia's first ocean rower, was a guest in Xinwang Bank’s live broadcast
Sina Sports
18 Mar '23Did Chinese explorers reach America first? Pair out to recreate mythical journeys to show trip was possible before VikingsSouth China Morning Post
9 Nov '22划向全球气候变化大会,划向绿色世界
Rowing for COP27, Rowing for a Greener World
18 Aug '22Leder: "Sammen opnår vi mere"
18 Aug '22En skatkiste af eventyrlige tilfæ
18 Aug '22Boganmeldelse: Hvor svært kan det være?
5 Aug '22Eventyrer roede 1300 kilometer på 35 dageFlensborg Avis
4 Aug '22Einmal im Ruderboot rund um Dänemark für den guten ZweckDer Nordschleswiger
31 Jul '22To roere er næsten nået Danmark Rundt – og de sætter fokus på et renere hav

Sønderborg NYT
22 Jul '22Spannende Rudertouren im SpezialbootSchleswiger Nachrichten
20 Jul '22Eventyreren fra Sønderholm på vej Danmark rundt for et renere havmiljøNibe Avis
13 Jul '22Besøg i Grenå efter 700km (Visit to Grenå after 700km)
Duration 5:50
P4 Østjylland
9 Jul '22Blæst inde på Læsø (Strong winds prevent leaving Læsø)
Duration 4:40
P4 Nordjylland
7 Jul '22Slesvig Roklub modtager berømt roerFlensborg Avis
28 Jun '22„Mit dem Ruderboot rund um Dänemark“
Der Nordschleswiger
1 Jun '22Ocean Hero of June - Christian Mourier Havrehed
11 Oct '21What A Book About Rowing The Atlantic Says About Cross-Cultural CommunicationChina-Britain Business Council FOCUS
13 Dec '20First Chinese rower to cross Atlantic marks 20 year anniversary with historic adventure to JapanSouth China Morning Post
29 Sep '20Christian fra Sønderholm fortalte om hav-roningNibe Avis
27 Sep '20Ror til Japan efter gammelt mysteriumNordjyske Stiftstidende
25 Sep '20På eventyr: I robåd over Atlanterhavet - og nu til Nibe mandag!Nibe Avis
15 Aug '20Feuerwehr hilft AbenteurernRendsburger Tagespost
12 Feb '20Lokalhistorisk Forening med stor aktivitetNibe Avis
4 Feb '20丹麦人同舟横渡大西洋_江湖海洋
Dane and Chinese row together across the Atlantic Ocean
24 Jun '17Christian er i målLokalavisen Frederiksberg
9 Jun '17Christian har gode benLokalavisen Frederiksberg
25 May '17Christian løber for en redningsbådLokalavisen Frederiksberg
7 Jun '15横渡大西洋第一人孙海滨:开弓没有回头箭
Sun Haibin, the first person to cross the Atlantic Ocean: Once the arrow is shot, there is no turning back
Sport of China
8 Dec '13Sun Haibin (孙海滨) and Christian Havrehed (黄思远) were featured on CCTV 4 International channel, meeting up in Beijing 13 years after their Trans-Atlantic row, which made them respectively the first Chinese (and Asian) and first Dane in history to row across an ocean. English subtitles.
Duration: 28:47
30 Aug '07中外文化误会易发点之请勿问寒问暖切莫送医送药
Advice for upcoming Olympics: Cultural differences can result in misunderstandings – please do not inquire too much about a foreigner’s wellbeing or insist on doctor visits
22 Aug '04Eventyret i en robåd med en kineserBerlingske
21 Aug '04At tage på eventyr er at leveNordjyske Stiftstidende
18 Aug '04På rotur over AtlantenVest Himmerlandsk folkeblad
11 Aug '04Christian Havrehed (黄思远) on prime time Danish TV show, talking about his Trans-Atlantic row with Sun Haibin (孙海滨) and the launch of the Danish edition of his book "Beijing to Barbados in a Rowboat". No English subtitles.
Duration: 7:48
Go' aften Danmark
20 Feb '04Crossing the OceanOriental Express
Dec '03Two novice rowers prove that life is but following your dreamsThat's Shanghai
25 Nov '03Dane's ocean adventuresShanghai Daily
12 Jun '03"丹麦曲奇" 曾是航海冒险家
"Danish cookie" with a maritime adventurer background
Shanghai Weekly
April '02AC Graduates complete odysseyUnited World Colleges
23 Feb '02Kronprinsen i sit rette elementBT
Feb '02Christian Havrehed (黄思远) and Sun Haibin (孙海滨) were featured on CCTV 5's exclusive prime time program "With the Champions" (名将之约), which focuses on professional sports people and Olympians. They were the first amateur sportsmen to appear on the program. One of Christian's goals with the Trans-Atlantic row was to introduce amateur sports to the Chinese people so being invited on this program ticked the box for this objective. No English subtitles.
Duration: 27:39
Feb '02Two men in a boatAction Asia
Jan/Feb '02划越海洋 – 超越文化界限
Across ocean – Across cultural barrier
Hong Kong Discovery
6 Jan '02I robåd over AtlanterhavetNordjyske Stiftstidende
5 Jan '02To mand i en robådMorgenavisen Jyllands-Posten
Jan '02Christian Havrehed and Sun Haibin did it!Asia-Pacific Boating
Jan '02First Dane and First Chinese to row across the Atlantic OceanRoyal Hong Kong Yacht Clubs Ahoy Magazine
27 Dec '01人類終極智慧
The Ultimate Intelligence
Hong Kong Economy Daily
22 Dec '01海上漂泊57天日日夜夜 – 中外两个小伙成功横渡大西洋
Adrift at sea for 57 nights and days – a Chinese and a foreign lad succeed in crossing the Atlantic Ocean
Beijing Moring Post
20 Dec '01Documentary about Sun Haibin (孙海滨) and Christian Havrehed (黄思远), aired after they returned to China, having successfully rowed across the Atlantic Ocean, thereby becoming the first Chinese (as well as Asian) and Dane to do so. No English subtitles.
Duration: 16:59
18 Dec '01 她”划“过了大西洋
He ROWED across the Atlantic Ocean
Beijing Evening News
17 Dec '01我让鲸鱼吃一惊
I gave the whales a shock
Beijing Youth Daily
15 Dec '01孫海濱頂風搏浪度大洋
Sun Haibin fights wind and waves to cross the ocean
Wen Wei Po
15 Dec '01Pair savour Atlantic feat amid sea of publicitySouth China Morning Post
13 Dec '01Første dansker og kineser over Atlanten i robådLæsø Posten
6 Dec '01横渡大西洋 一个中国人与一个丹麦人的故事
Across the Atlantic – The Story of a Chinese and a Dane
China Sports Daily
5 Dec '01北京學生划艇56天渡大西洋
Beijing student rows across the Atlantic Ocean in 56 days
Apple Daily
5 Dec '01Row, row, row your boat for 56 days, 15 hoursChina Daily
5 Dec '01Naked ambition conquers AtlanticSouth China Morning Post
5 Dec '01Første dansker over Atlanten i robådBådmagasinet
4 Dec '01Vi gjorde det!BT
4 Dec '01北京小伙成功登岸
Beijing Lad successfully reaches shore
Beijing Youth Daily
3 Dec '01Sun Haibin (孙海滨) and Christian Havrehed (黄思远) finish the Trans-Atlantic Rowing Race in 8th position, thereby becoming the first Chinese (as well as Asian) and Dane to row across an ocean. No English Subtitles.
Duration: 00:37
3 Dec '01北京小伙横渡大西洋
Beijing Lad Crosses the Atlantic
Beijing Youth Daily
3 Dec '01Over Atlanterhavet i robådOpdag Verden
2 Dec '01Christian Havrehed (黄思远) and Sun Haibin (孙海滨) are about to finish the Trans-Atlantic Rowing Race, which will make Sun Haibin the first Chinese, and Asian, to row across an ocean. Interview with the pair via satellite phone and focus on Sun Haibin's birthday. No English subtitles.
Duration: 04:20
Dec '01Christian Havrehed (黄思远) and Sun Haibin (孙海滨) were the first amateur sportsmen to be featured on CCTV 5's exclusive prime time "Five Rings Night Show" (五环夜话), a program reserved for professional athletes and Olympians. This was a great honor and also served as a validation of one of Christian's stated goals with the Trans-Atlantic row, which was to introduce amateur sports to the Chinese people. No English subtitles.
Duration: 51:18
Dec '01Bound for BarbadosAction Asia
Dec '01AC Graduates take to the seasUnited World Colleges
21 Nov '01Jysk ro-fanatiker mangler 580 sømilBådmagasinet
16 Nov '01Jyde ror over Atlanten i bar røvBådmagasinet
7 Nov '01De ror og ror, så balderne brænderBT
6 Nov '01Rowing mate sticks his oar in and sets up a birthday bashSouth China Morning Post
Nov '01First Dane, first Chinese to row the AtlanticFragrant Harbour
Oct/Nov '01Pulling TogetherAction Asia
28 Oct '01Milestone turns tide in favour of rowers' mammoth taskSouth China Morning Post
27 Oct '01Dansker krydser atlanten i robådEkstra Bladet
27 Oct '01Atlantisk tur uden romantikNordjyske Stiftstidende
26 Oct '01Christian Havrehed (黄思远) and Sun Haibin (孙海滨). Interview by satellite phone 19 days into the Trans-Atlantic Rowing Race. No English subtitles.
Duration: 02:37
26 Oct '01Interview via satellittelefon med Christian Havrehed midt ude på Atlanten
Duration: 11:08
DR - Mere mellem ørerne
23 Oct '01Dansker og kineser ror over AtlantenEkstra Bladet
12 Oct '01Les trente-cinq galères de l'AtlantiqueLe Monde
7 Oct '01Sun Haibin (孙海滨) and Christian Havrehed (黄思远) start the Trans-Atlantic Rowing Race, heading out from Tenerife to towards Barbados in a fleet of 36 competitors. No English subtitles.
Duration: 01:41
Oct '01The Yantu Project - Time for a bit of island hopping, then!Royal Hong Kong Yacht Clubs Ahoy Magazine
14 Sep '01Ung dansker vil ro tværs over AtlantenBørsen
24 Aug '01划越大西洋
Rowing Across the Atlantic Ocean
Dongfang Ribao
18 Aug '01Atlantic rowing hopefuls get down to business of survivalSouth China Morning Post
9 Aug '01Sino-Viking Trans-Atlantic Rowing Joint Venture
Ready to Ship Out
Duration: 14:31
RTHK3 Today Radio
15 Jul '01The Interview
(in Post Magazine)
South China Morning Post
Jul '01The Yantu Project - Row, row, row your boat!Royal Hong Kong Yacht Clubs Ahoy Magazine
07 Jun '01Island feat just a drop in the ocean for marathon rowersSouth China Morning Post
Jun '01Wider introduction to the Trans-Atlantic Rowing Race organised by Christian Havrehed (黄思远) and the people supporting Sun Haibin (孙海滨). No English subtitles.
Duration: 05:00
14 Apr '01Nordjyde vil ro over AtlantenNordjyske Stiftstidende
10 Apr '01首位中國人參加橫渡大西洋比賽
First Chinese to participate in Trans-Atlantic competition
Singpao Daily
10 Apr '01Atlantic adventurers in the same boatSouth China Morning Post
9 Apr '01Sino-Viking Trans-Atlantic Rowing Joint Venture Race
Race Preparation
Duration: 11:20
RTHK3 Today Radio
Apr '01Christian Havrehed (黄思远) and Sun Haibin (孙海滨) launch their ocean rowing boat "Yantu" (沿途号) in Shanwei, China. No English subtitles.
Duration: 03:16
April '01First China built Ocean Rowing BoatAsia-Pacific Boating
4 Mar '01Dansker roer over AtlantenMorgenavisen Jyllands-Posten
Mar '01About Christian Havrehed (黄思远) building an ocean rowing boat in Shanwei, China and assessing Sun Haibin (孙海滨), his potential Mainland Chinese rowing partner. No English subtitles.
Duration: 03:26
Dec '00The Yantu ProjectRoyal Hong Kong Yacht Clubs Ahoy Magazine